

1. 英语。麻烦翻译!



2. 英语翻译~~!

承租人支付租金的迟到的Whitsunday 2004年到期。2004年9月30日的地主通知他若不付房租,他们会及时在未来刺激租赁。2004年12月28日前在2004年Martinmas租金仍然未支付的。在2004年12月29日终止租约的地主的刺激下通知要求承租人第19条和两个月内清除。

3. 麻烦用英语翻译一下!!!

Dear, when can you come to China? We're looking forward to seeing you.
after i graduate, i will go to the place where you were born. i like Korea, where there are a lot of lovely things.
I'm waiting for your second album of August 18. i believe it will be great!
Happy birthday. Your pleasure is our best happiness.

From 2006 until now, you have been a mature man. we see your endeavor. We all know your endeavor after all honors. we can sense that.
No matter what others talk about you, you are the best in our heart. Don't give up your dream for music. Dear, happy birthday. Cheer up. We will be always behind you.


4. 英语!翻译!^~^


1. Peter已经在学校…… A一年半了 B两年了 C两年多了 D三年多了

2. Peter上学总是迟到是因为…… A他太贪玩了 B他去学校的速度很慢 C他晚上睡不好 D他早上不能及时起床

3. Mrs. Black是一位…… A工人 B教师 C农夫 D女警

4. 第一节课的上课时间是…… A 7:50 B 8 C 8:30 D 8:10

5. 那个路标、指示牌是给……看的 A驾驶员们 B Peter C工人们 D老师们


5. 全部翻译!英语



6. 请帮忙翻译个英语!!

Amercia: Schools in the US often regard September as the start of the new school year. So most of the schools let their students have summer vacation from mid-June and the students can enjoys a 2-month or 3-month vacation.

Sweden: Schools in Sweden also let the students enjoy their vacation from mid-June and the students don't have homework for vacation. But the beginning of the schools is the first Monday after Aug 20th.

Indonesia:Indonesia is a tropical country. So there is no real summer vacation. But the students can enjoy a 2-month or 3-month vacation before the new school year (every year in September).

Philippines: Philippines choose June as the start of the new school year every year. So the summer vacation is brought forward to  April or May and lasts for 2 months.


7. 英语翻译!!!!!!!!

1,The weakness of this diet is that it has too much fat and sugar; its strength is that it has plenty of energy-giving food. 

2, The shopkeeper is trying to win his customers back with a discount.
3, If you don’t say sorry for your mistake, they won’t let you get away with it. 
4, He has been in debt for a long time. How to earn his living is a big problem. 
5, When I was waiting for my friend, I suddenly spied a man not far away glaring at me. 
6, I don’t want to lie to you, but I have to say that his intelligence is limited.
7, Experts say eating carrots benefits your eyes.


8. 求英语翻译!~~~

一本袖珍指南到零用钱给孩子们每周津贴是一个理想的机会教他们如何在现实世界的作品,例如 Cyndi Freiman.零用钱是惊人的两极分化问题。是否应该给孩子吗?从什么年龄?多少钱?应适用什么限制?给零用钱的理由是教孩子们如何明智地花钱,一直保存和理解财政现实。一个好的时代,开始将会在幼儿园时期。一些家长认为孩子应该做家务赚取零花钱。他人使用或为学校的表现良好行为的奖励零用钱。然而,有人认为它应该是关于独立行为或独立行事的良好预期的报酬。最后,这是一个个人决定。对于一个十几岁的女孩的母亲,家务肯定是其中的一部分。 “我们制定了一个粗略的预算关于我们的女儿需要什么和她口袋里的钱应该花在什么地方。”她说。 “然后,我们问她这样做,发现我们已经考虑到了类似的金额。她能够靠做赚保姆额外的零花钱,而她也将参与家务劳动。“至于钱是如何限制的使用,每个家庭都应该确定自己的一般规则(一些指定一个百分比必须给慈善机构,举例),而是让孩子自己做决定是自己的钱给他们的重要组成部分增加责任感和独立意识。
热门零用钱秘诀:1。它每星期或一个月有一个固定的日子去给钱。 2。成立一个年幼的孩子钱箱(储存罐)。 3。年龄较大的儿童开一个银行帐户。 4。讨论你可以负担得起以及他们如何才能赚更多。 5。解释他们如何能节省才能得到他们想要的东西。