

1. 百事可乐公司的英文简介?

Pepsi-Cola North America, headquartered in Purchase, N.Y., is the refreshment beverage unit of PepsiCo Beverages and Foods North America, a division of PepsiCo, Inc. PepsiCo Beverages and Foods North America also comprises PepsiCo's Tropicana, Gatorade and Quaker Foods businesses in the United States and Canada.Pepsi-Cola North America's carbonated soft drinks, including: Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Pepsi Twist, Mountain Dew, Mountain Dew Code Red, Sierra Mist, and Mug Root Beer account for nearly one-third of total soft drink sales in the United States.Pepsi-Cola North America's non-carbonated beverage portfolio includes Aquafina, which is the number one brand of bottled water in the United States, Dole single-serve juices and SoBe, which offers a wide range of drinks with herbal ingredients. The company also makes and markets North America's best-selling, ready-to-drink iced teas and coffees via joint ventures with Lipton and Starbucks, respectively.To see all Pepsi-Cola North America brands, click here.PepsiCo, Inc. is one of the world's largest food and beverage companies. The company's principal businesses include:* Frito-Lay snacks* Pepsi-Cola beverages* Gatorade sports drinks* Tropicana juices* Quaker FoodsPepsiCo, Inc. was founded in 1965 through the merger of Pepsi-Cola and Frito-Lay. Tropicana was acquired in 1998. In 2001, PepsiCo merged with the Quaker Oats Company, creating the world’s fifth-largest food and beverage company, with 15 brands – each generating more than $1 billion in annual retail sales. PepsiCo’s success is the result of superior products, high standards of performance, distinctive competitive strategies and the high level of integrity of our people.For investor information on PepsiCo, Inc, including press and earnings releases, analyst presentations and downloadable annual reports visit  www.pepsico.com.


2. 百事可乐和可口可乐的区别!!要求用英文介绍!!谢谢


百事的磷酸含量比可口的多一点,口感上感觉稍微“硬”一点,百事比较甜一点。Delicious than Pepsi early, taste, I don't think it is a big difference, difference is your feeling, because competition and learn from each other to find faults, more than 100 years production process is completely the same. In Europe, South America, North America, coke market is very strong! Make big for many reasons, but I think mainly because they do well, the coke into a global fashion, KFC, McDonald's is also, budweiser beer, too. They cultivate the consumption behavior of consumers the subconscious. Not because of how delicious it is, just because everyone to drink. Coca-Cola sugar content is lower, is suitable for the elderly, Pepsi, high sugar content, suitable for young people, looked at drinking himself. The phosphate content of Pepsi more than Coca-Cola, felt a little bit "hard" on the palate, Pepsi is a bit sweet.

3. 用英语介绍百事可乐,不是介绍公司,而是介绍这种饮料

百事可乐(Pepsi-Cola)最初于19世纪90年代(1890-1900)由美国北卡罗莱纳州一位名为 Caleb Bradham 的药剂师所造,以碳酸水、糖、香草、生油、胃蛋白酶(pepsin)及可乐果制成。该药物最初是用于治理胃部疾病,后来被命名为“Pepsi”,并于1903年6月16日将之注册为商标。 是美国百事公司推出的一种碳酸饮料,也是可口可乐公司的主要竞争对手。

Pepsi (Pepsi-Cola) was first introduced in nineteenth Century 90's (1890-1900) created by a fellow named Caleb Bradham pharmacist in North Carolina, with carbonated water, sugar, how to eat vanilla, peanut oil and pepsin (pepsin) made and kola nut. This is the first drug for treatment of stomach disease, later named "Pepsi", and in June 16, 1903 will be registered as a trademark. Is a carbonated beverage PepsiCo Inc launched, the main competitor is Coca Cola Co.


4. 百事可乐的企业文化

 百事品牌的理念是“渴望无限”,倡导年轻人积极进取的生活态度,寓意是对年轻人来说,机会和理想是无限的,他们可以尽情地遐想和追求。为了推广这一理念,百事选择足球和音乐作为品牌基础和企业文化载体,在广告和社会公益活动中借助迈克尔杰克逊、张国荣、布兰妮、王菲、罗志祥、蔡依林、郭富城、陈慧琳、郑秀文、赵晨浩、热力兄弟、贝克汉姆、里瓦尔多、卡洛斯、范志毅、李玮峰、祁宏perfume等一大批明星作为品牌代言人,极力倡导企业文化所提倡的精神,使百事的“新一代的选择”和推崇“快乐自由”的风格广泛地被人们尤其是青年人的理解和接受。这样,很多人就明白了,为什么“百事”的产品从简单的包装到向运动系列、功能系列拓展都刻意体现一种动感和欢快的格调,从而使许多青年人成为“百事”忠实和热心的消费者。 百事文化不仅是企业的,也是社会的,它深刻地通过其产品的推销影响着一大批人,反过来又推动企业按照这种文化的定位不断创新,得以经历了100多年还保持着旺盛的朝气。中国有句俗语,“冰冻三尺,非一日之寒”。光靠明确高难目标以及强硬制度作手段还是远远不够的。作为企业的软件是培育和强化企业独特的价值和文化才是公司长期发展的保证。在公司价值和文化方面,百事集团同样强调的是重视结果,以及人员如何能够信守诺言而达到事先制定的目标。人的信用和诚实度在公司的文化和价值观中是最受重视的。公司的文化和价值观适用与那些热爱挑战、自爱竞争、喜欢与那些有能力的人在一起工作的人们。 1983年,百事可乐公司聘请罗杰·恩里克担任总裁,他一上任就把目光盯在了广告上。对软饮料而言,百事可乐和可口可乐的产品味觉很难分清孰优孰劣,因此,焦点便在塑造商品的性格特征的广告( 也就是品牌和企业文化)上了。百事可乐通过广告语传达百事可乐,新一代的选择。在与可口可乐的竞争中,百事可乐终于找到了突破口。首先是准确定位:从年轻人身上发现市场,把自己定位为新生代的可乐;并且选择合适的品牌代言人,邀请新生代喜欢的超级巨星作为自己的品牌代言人,把品牌人格化形象,通过新一代年轻人的偶像情节开始了文化的改造。围绕这一主题,百事可乐的合作伙伴BBDO为百事创作了许多极富想象力的电视广告,如“鲨鱼”、“太空船”等等,这些广告,针对二战后高峰期出生的美国青年,倡导“新鲜刺激 独树一帜”,独特的消费品鲜明地和老一代划清界限的叛逆心理,提出“新一代”的消费品味及生活方式。结果使百事可乐的销售量扶摇直上。1984年,百事可乐投入500万美元聘请了流行乐坛巨星麦克尔·杰克逊拍摄广告片——此举被誉为有史以来最大手笔的广告运动。把最流行的音乐文化贯穿到企业和产品之中,也开始了百事可乐的音乐之旅。从此以后,百事可乐进入了销售的快车道,音乐体育双剑合璧,同时这一攻势集中而明确,都围绕着“新的一代”而展开,从而使文化传播具有明确的指向性。二战结束时,可口可乐与百事可乐市场销售额之比是3.4:1,到了1985年,这一比例已变为1.15:1。 人才高过一切百事集团选择人才有三个标准:“最聪明,最诚实,最具有推动力的实干精神”。一个管理人员在百事集团中生存下去并非易事,公司对于管理人员的要求是“要么往上发展,要么往外走人”。非常聪明的人才,能量百分之百地释放,公司会给其提供高速发展的事业阶梯和优厚的报酬待遇,让他们很早地承担重要的责任,在各自的工作范围内有高度自由空间,以及其他优秀同事之间积极合作的工作环境。这些对于百事集团的战略发展起到了极其重要的作用。百事集团人才战略的核心是高度重视最后的工作结果。达到目标,有成效有结果,在百事集团内便会得到不断的提拔。百事集团对于达不到目标的管理人员的容忍性是非常低的。如果工作不见成效,那么这个人会很快地从企业中被淘汰出去。淘汰人员手段要硬对于一贯不能完成目标的人员要从企业中淘汰出去。在领导岗位上,这种人对于企业的危害是比较大的,至少要把他们从领导岗位上调离,把他们架空起来。淘汰人员,对于那些不能达到目标的人是最后的、也是最强有力的手段。百事集团对员工每年都要进行一次评估。评估结果分为四类:表现突出的;值得表扬的;表现一般的;表现差的。评估主要依据为员工的具体表现与其目标之比较。人事部对于每个部门人员的评估作一个统计,如果这个部门达到规定目标的话,那么这个部门得到表扬,而且有突出表现的人员所占的比重就多一些。表现差的,或完成不了目标的人员将被开除或选择自动离职。每年在百事集团中大约3%的员工得到“表现差”的年终评估。这些人限定在3到4个月内改正过失。如果他们的表现没有明显的提高,他们便会被立即解雇。当然,百事集团的管理也有缺陷,例如公司过分地强调“重视结果”,他会使人们目光短浅,做事只看到短期的结果而又是忽视长远的目标。又如公司吸引一批有雄心壮志的人,这些人自然有其强烈的危机感和压力,那么也就间接地鼓励这些人修建自己的防御墙,如组织自己在公司内部的关系网,拉帮结派,耍手段等。

5. 百事可乐公司的英文简介?

wikipedia 去找吧


6. 跪求关于百事可乐公司的英文介绍

Pepsi-Cola is a carbonated beverage that is produced and manufactured by PepsiCo. It is sold in stores, restaurants and from vending machines. The drink was first made in the 1890s by pharmacist Caleb Bradham in New Bern, North Carolina. The brand was trademarked on June 16, 1903. There have been many Pepsi variants produced over the years since 1903, including Diet Pepsi, Crystal Pepsi, Pepsi Twist, Pepsi Max, Pepsi Samba, Pepsi Blue, Pepsi Gold, Pepsi Holiday Spice, Pepsi Jazz, Pepsi X (available in Finland and Brazil), Pepsi Next (available in Japan and South Korea), Pepsi Raw, Pepsi Retro in Mexico, Pepsi One, and Pepsi Ice Cucumber in Japan.

Pepsi was first made in New Bern, North Carolina, in the United States in the early 1890s by pharmacist Caleb Bradham. In 1898, "Brad's Drink" was changed to "Pepsi-Cola" and later trademarked on June 16, 1903.[1] There are several theories on the origin of the word "pepsi". The only two discussed within the current PepsiCo website are the following:

Caleb Bradham bought the name "Pep Kola" from a local competitor and changed it to Pepsi-Cola. 
The word Pepsi comes from the Greek word "Hope" (πέψη), which is a medical term, describing the food dissolving process within one's stomach. Dyspepsia also a medical term describes a problem with one's stomach to dissolve foods properly.

Another theory regarding the name's origins is that Caleb Bradham and his customers simply thought the name sounded good and reflected the fact that the drink had some kind of "pep" in it because it was a carbonated drink.

It was made of carbonated water, sugar, vanilla, rare oils, and kola nuts. Whether the original recipe included the enzyme pepsin is disputed.[2][3]

In 1903, Bradham moved the bottling of Pepsi-Cola from his drugstore into a rented warehouse. That year, Bradham sold 7,968 gallons of syrup. The next year, Pepsi was sold in six-ounce bottles, and sales increased to 19,848 gallons. In 1924, Pepsi received its first logo redesign since the original design of 1905. In 1926, the logo was changed again. In 1929, automobile race pioneer Barney Oldfield endorsed Pepsi-Cola in newspaper ads as "A bully drink...refreshing, invigorating, a fine bracer before a race".

In 1931, the Pepsi-Cola Company went bankrupt during the Great Depression- in large part due financial losses incurred by speculating on wildly fluctuating sugar prices as a result of World War I. Assets were sold and Roy C. Megargel bought the Pepsi trademark.[4] Eight years later, the company went bankrupt again. Pepsi's assets were then purchased by Charles Guth, the President of Loft Inc. Loft was a candy manufacturer with retail stores that contained soda fountains. He sought to replace Coca-Cola at his stores' fountains after Coke refused to give him a discount on syrup. Guth then had Loft's chemists reformulate the Pepsi-Cola syrup formula

7. 百事可乐的广告词 用英语写作

1898年   清爽、可口,百事可乐
In 1898, fresh and delicious, Pepsi 

1903年   提神、爽心、增进消化
In 1903, refreshing, comfort, and improve digestion 
1905年   可口之饮料
In 1905, delicious beverage 

1906年   天然饮料——百事可乐
Natural drink 1906 - Pepsi 

1907年   百事可乐:可口、健康
In 1907, PepsiCo, delicious and healthy 

1909年   百事可乐:使你才气焕发
1909 Pepsi: make your brilliant bright 

1910年   喝百事可乐,让你心满意足
1910 drink Pepsi, make you satisfied 

1923年   这就是健康:百事可乐
In 1923, This is health: Pepsi 

Taste the Pepsi, you will like it 

1928年   百事可乐,激励你的士气
The morale of the 1928 Pepsi, inspire you 

1932年   一样的价格,双倍的享受
In 1932, the same price, double enjoyment 

1939年   一样的价,双倍的量
The same price in 1939, double the amount 

1940年   百事可乐是属于你的饮料
In 1940, Pepsi is belong to you drink 

1943年   令人诱惑的口味
In 1943, tempting taste 

1945年   百事可乐:更多、更好
Pepsi: 1945 more and better 

1949年   口味最好、花钱更少
Best taste 1949, spending less money 

1950年   量多、活力更多
In 1950 more than, more dynamic 

1953年   清新、爽口
In 1953, pure and fresh, and refreshing 

1958年   爱社交,喝百事
1958 love social, drink Pepsi 

Drink Pepsi, increase the friendship 

1959年   百事可乐令你心旷神怡
In 1959, Pepsi cola makes you relaxed and happy 

1961年   这就是百事,它属于年轻的心
In 1961, This is Pepsi, it belongs to young heart 

1963年   奋起吧,你就属于百事新一代
1963 rose up, and you belong to a new generation Pepsi 

1964年   让自己充满活力,你是百事新一代
In 1964, Let oneself energetic, you are a new generation Pepsi 

1967年   口味独一无二,百事可乐向前涌动
In 1967, Taste unique, Pepsi to surge forward 

Tasting the incomparable Pepsi 

1969年  生活/奉献
1969 life/dedication 

You get out of life, Pepsi from dedication 

1971年   拥有一个百事的日子
In 1971, Have a Pepsi 

1973年   成为百事人,感受自由心
In 1973, PepsiCo, free heart 

1975年   百事挑战,让你的感觉来决定
The Pepsi challenge 1975, let you feel to decide 

1976年   拥有百事时代
In 1976, With Pepsi era 

1979年   把握百事精神,赋予百事挑战
In 1979, Grasp the Pepsi spirit, giving the Pepsi challenge 

1982年   喝百事可乐,享受一生美味
Delicious drink Pepsi, 1982, enjoy life 

Ah! The era of Pepsi 

1983年   现在就去体会百事
In 1983, Now go to Pepsi 

1984年   百事可乐,新一代的选择
In 1984, Pepsi, the choice of a new generation 

1987年   百事可乐:美国的选择
1987 Pepsi: the choice of the United States 

1990年   亲爱的,这就是您所需要的
1990, dear, this is what you need 

1992年   不能没有它——百事可乐
1992 we can not live without it - Pepsi 

1993年   年轻、开心,喝百事
1993 years young, happy, drink Pepsi 

1995年   百事之外,别无选择
In 1995, PepsiCo, have no other choice 

1996年   改变新的一页:百事可乐
Change a new page in 1996: Pepsi 

1998年   新一代的选择 The choice of a new generation
In 1998, The choice of a new generation of The choice of a new generation 

渴望无限 (Ask for More)
Desire is infinite (Ask for More) 

1999年   百事,渴望无限
In 1999, PepsiCo, eager to infinite 

Happy coke 

2003年   百事,这就是可乐
In 2003, PepsiCo, this is cola 

2004年   突破渴望 (Dare for More)
2004 breakthrough desire (Dare for More) 

敢于第一 (Dare to Be No.1)
First (Dare to Dare to Be No. 1)

百事可乐的广告词 用英语写作

8. 百事可乐企业文化资料翻译建议方案毕业设计
